Terms & Conditions

Smart Doodle Cuts Terms & Conditions

Smart Doodle Cuts ABN 18855021094 – Updated December 2023

‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ refers to: ‘Joanna Wand’ Trading As ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’.

‘The Customer’ refers to any person to purchase from, enquire about or use the services of ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’.

Client record form

‘The Customer’ must fill out a record form for each pet prior to their first appointment and is responsible for keeping ‘Smart Doodle Cuts updated with any changes to the information on the form.

Vaccinations & Parasite protection

It is ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ policy that all pets should be vaccinated and wormed up to date before attending a grooming appointment.


‘The Customer’ is required to check for any sign of fleas before a grooming appointment and notify ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ if it is suspected that fleas are present. A flea infestation must be treated and no longer present before attending a grooming appointment.


Puppies below 6 months old should show proof of vaccination before a grooming service.

Health, Safety & Welfare

‘The Customer’ must inform ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ of any health issues including medical conditions, past/recent/upcoming surgery, medications/supplements, illness, injury, heart condition, skin conditions, pregnancy, bitch in season, lumps, bumps, arthritis or any other health related issues.

In the unlikely event of illness or injury during the grooming appointment where neither ‘The Customer’ or the emergency contact can be contacted, the owner gives consent for ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ to seek veterinary assistance.

‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ does not express anal glands. It is recommended that ‘The customer’ take their pet to a vet who can deal with impacted anal glands.

‘The Customer’ must inform ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ of any past or present behavioural issues or recent changes in the pets behaviour. 

The grooming service may be refused or ceased at the discretion of ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’; reasons may include risk to the pets welfare or the welfare of the groomer. Health indications that the service may be harmful to the pet or presence of infectious disease.

The Customer will not hold ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ responsible for any illness or health issues affecting their pet.


When matted coat is removed, it’s not uncommon to reveal pre-existing sores, hotspots, skin irritation and other issues. Removing matted coat is not risk free and can cause irritation or even little cuts to the skin. Every care will be taken to remove matting without irritation or injury to the pets skin. The process is delicate and can take extra time.

‘The Customer’ will not hold ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ liable for skin irritations or abrasions resulting from matted coat removal and agree to be understanding of the extra time required to complete the service if the coat is matted.

When the coat is matted it may not be possible to achieve the requested style. The pets welfare will always come first and the style may be a lot shorter than ‘The Customer’ requested.


‘The Customer’ consents to photographs being taken of their pet during the grooming appointment. These photographs may be used by ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ as promotional images. ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ will own IP rights and copyright for the images. ’The Customer’ may request to withdraw consent.

Only photographs which show positive aspects of the dog related to the groom will be shown outside of ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’.

Photographs of health related issues may be taken and kept for reference only.

All images on ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ media threads and www.smartdoodlecuts.com.au are copyright protected.


Payment is due upon completion of the service but may be paid in advance.


Please inform ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ as soon as possible if you need to cancel or change your appointment.

Drop off & Collection

Please arrange drop off and collection times with ‘Smart Doodle Cuts’ and please try to keep to the arranged times.